Soyo Project Update
Press Releases
March 2021 Tender Announcement

The Angolan Ministry of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Gas (MIREMPET) has awarded a build, own and operate (BOO) contract for the Soyo refinery to a consortium led by US company Quanten.
Angola launched the $3.5 billion tender for the work in October 2019. 31 companies expressed interest in the 100,000 barrel per day facility. Nine proposals got through to the due diligence phase, between September and December 2020.
March 2021 MOU Signed

Signed an MOU that outlined the path to the Investment Contract. Tasks were identified and a 9 month schedule was outlined. All tasks were completed in 5 months.

December 2021 Angolan Delegation to the WPC

An Angolan delegation led by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Gas was hosted by Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC in Houston.
May 2022 Meeting with the Minister - OTC

The Angolan Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas along with the Chairman of Sonangol and Senior Director of Sonangol met with Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC and KBR executives.

May 2022 Groundbreaking Ceremony
Soyo Refinery Groundbreaking Ceremony performed in May 2022 at the project site in Soyo City Zaire Province, Angola. The event was presided over by H.E. The Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas and attended by the US Ambassador to Angola, The Governor of Zaire, the CEO of Sonangol and other Sonangol, executives, local government officials, team members executives, and executives of local companies in Soyo and Luanda.
May 2022 Meeting with the President

The President of the Republic of Angola met with the CEO of Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC. The meeting was supported by the US Ambassador to Angola

July 2022 Meeting with the Governor of Zaire

A delegation of Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC, Sonangol and US-Angola Chamber of Commerce met with the Governor of Zaire and his executives to discuss the Soyo Refinery and associated development in Zaire
July 2022 Meeting with local rulers of Zaire

A delegation from Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC, Sonangol and US-Angola Chamber of Commerce met with the local rulers of Mbanza Kongo, their ruling council and administrative staff to pay their respect and discuss the Soyo Refinery and associated development in Zaire
July 2022 Visit to Historical Sites in Zaire

A delegation from Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC, Sonangol and US-Angola Chamber of Commerce visited historical sites in M'Banza Kongo with a view towards site preservation and enhancement.
August 2022 Investment Contract Signed

AIPEX - Agency for Private Investment and Promotion of Exports of Angola, signed the Soyo Refinery Investment Contract with Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC
December 2022 Site Demining Complete

Demining of the entire 712 hectares of the Soyo Refinery project site was completed at the end of December 2022

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Tender award announcement ceremony in Soyo, Angola.

Segun Thomas with Sonangol executives at the MOU signing.

Jeff Meyers and Hildo Piedade at the MOU negotiations

Legal review of the MOU

Helder Lisboa and other Sonangol executives at the MOA negotiations

Congress Woman Sheila Jackson Lee presenting a Congressional Proclamation to the Angolan Secretary of State for the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas

Angolan delegation to the WPC at a meeting with Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC and Teammates

Ulysses Goree, KBR SVP at the meeting with the Angolan delegation to the WPC

David Lo, Honeywell Senior Program Manager at the meeting with the Angolan delegation to the WPC

Meeting with the President at the Presidential Palace

US Ambassador to Angola and CEO of Quanten Consortium Angola at the Presidential Palace

News conference at the Presidential Palace after the meeting with the President

HE the Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Gas, and Chairman and Director both from Sonangol after a meeting with executives of Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC and KBR during the OTC in 2022

HE the Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Gas emerging from a meeting with executives of Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC and KBR during the OTC in 2022

HE the Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas addressing the audience at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Signing an agreement between Quanten Consortium Angola LLC, and SONAREF at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Delegation - Ministers, Governors, Local Rulers and Executives arriving at he Groundbreaking Ceremony

HE the Minister and the Governor of Zaire arriving at the Groundbreaking Ceremony site

Signing of agreement at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

National anthems at the beginning of the Groundbreaking Ceremony

HE the Governor of Zaire addressing the audience at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

The US Ambassador to Angola addressing the audience at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

The US Ambassador to Angola and the former Foreign Minister of Angola arriving at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

HE the Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Local and Traditional Rulers at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Attendees at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Attendees at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Turning of the first stone at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Turning of the first stone at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

HE the Minister, the Governor, the US Ambassador to Angola, the CEO of Quanten Consortium Angola and other senior government officials at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

The US Ambassador to Angola and the Senior Commercial Officer of the US Embassy at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

CEO of the US-Angola Chamber of Commerce and the CEO of Mota Engil Angola at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Informational display of team members for the development of the Soyo Refinery

Mota Engil Angola's CEO and Business Manager at the Ground Breaking Ceremony

Executives of companies in Angola at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Representatives of team members for the development of the Soyo Refinery

Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC officials with local company team members at the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC officials with CMEC team members at the Groundbreaking Ceremony