Soyo Refinery
Eco Friendly Operation
Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC is building to own and operate the Soyo Refinery which will have the capacity to process 150,000 barrels of crude oil per day.
Our strategy is to build a “Deep Conversion” refinery with maximum uptime, which produces consumer ready end products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and asphalt, and is environmentally sustainable.
We have the flexibility to process a variety of crude, deliver consumer ready end products and operate an Eco-friendly refinery that meets the most stringent pollution and sulfur content requirements. We have redundancies and flexibility in the supply of crude oil, equipment, long lead items, critical items, spare parts, and refined products destination and customers.
One of Only Two Refineries on the Continent of Africa
to meet the Euro V Standard

Our team will:

Design, construct, own and operate the Soyo Refinery with a capacity to process 150,000 bpd. The refinery will aid the Government of Angola´s effort in eliminating the current dependence on imported refined products, and supply the international market;
Design, construct, own and operate a Tank Farm and Marine Terminal for feedstock (including crude oil) delivery to the refinery site and refined oil exportation to customers;

Design, construct, own and operate all associated infrastructure such as electricity power generation plant, potable water plant, wastewater treatment plant, all access roads and surrounding environmental development;
Establish a robust Local Content Initiative and Economic Development Initiative for Soyo City and Zaire Province that is far beyond the normal Local Content Initiative.

Soyo Refinery Groundbreaking Ceremony
Preferred Vendors List
Prequalification of Local Contractors
Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC seeks to pre-qualify local contractors for work on the Soyo Refinery Project.
Quanten Consortium Angola, LLC officials in charge of this process are:
Mr. Hildo Piedade
Ms. Linda Anukwuem
Team Members, Affiliates, Subcontractors and Advocates Include

Our refineries on two continents will process ~350,000 bpd
Through our focus on technology, we are extending humanity’s reach
beyond today’s boundaries to tomorrow’s possibilities